Scripture Nexus

Hebrew “New Testament” Texts

DuTillet Hebrew Matthew

Munster Hebrew Matthew

Shem Tob Hebrew Matthew

Shem Tob Hebrew Mark

Hebrew Luke

Hebrew John

Munster Hebrew Hebrews

Aramaic NT Texts

Old Syriac Sianiatic Gospels

Old Syriac Curetonian Gospels

Peshitta NT

Craword Revelation

Other NT Sources

The Judaikon (Jewish Version) Matthew Notes

Iohannes Quinquarboreus Avrila Matthew Notes

Hebrew Lord’s Prayer

Apocryphal Books

Aramaic Book of Enoch

Hebrew Tobit

Hebrew Ben Sira

Hebrew 1Maccabees

Hebrew Book of Jasher

Gospel according to the Hebrews

Hebrew Creed of the Emissaries